Thursday, November 24, 2011


Meghan outdid herself today! Roasted butternut squash, apple-pecan stuffing, green beans, a nicely-juicy turkey, mashed potatoes, yams, a killer challah, and vegan pumpkin pie for dessert.  Vita and I added a subpar apple pie.  Meg's mom brought a wonderfully airy pumpkin-chiffon pie. A couple of bottles of "IL" moscato and some excellent seasonal "Brr" winter ale from one of my new favorite breweries, Widmer Brothers, and it was a fantastic meal.

Like a jerk, I took no pictures.  Oh well.

I am thankful for all my family and friends, and that I am able to live my life enjoying the finer things like food and drink.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

This summer's blockbuster

This was a popular choice among jerks post-diet.

Flying Dog purchased the Blue Ridge brewery several years ago.  At first I was upset, because Blue Ridge made my go-to "daily beer", Blue Ridge Golden Ale - it was $5.99 a six pack and just wonderful at that price point.  When Flying Dog bought the brewery, prices went way up, and as a complete jerk I was very upset about the quality of the beer.  Well, today I say the brewmaster deserves a freaking brewing badge of honor.  In a few short years, the brewery has gone from mediocrity to having several great brews!  While none of them are my absolute favorite in style, the brews are very tasty and great contenders at their price point.

While my current tastes are running a little less sweet than this beer, I still buy it regularly.  Raging Bitch is a good one.  With 8.3% abv and a price of $7.49 per six at Corridor Wine and Spirits, this one is really nice. Plus, it is singularly responsible for the Kentucky Derby Embarrassment Event (KDEE) at Sarah Sears's Kentucky Derby Party last year (please forgive me -I cleaned up). My kids LOVE the bottle (though I have to watch it now that my oldest is learning to read). They are fascinated by the teats and genitalia.  My boy loves to point out the scrotum (ummmm, wrong...).  That is all.

Atkins Stuff

Last spring, I found The Atkins Diet quite easy to follow.  Those complaining about lack of vegetables must be vegetarians or reading the directions wrong.  I could eat a VERY large (meal-sized, actually) salad each day - not just lettuce - also peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, etc.  In fact, I found myself eating MORE vegetables on the diet because i would measure out the recommended servings which ended up to be more than what I would usually eat.  Along those same lines, the fat and sodium in the  ubiquitous 5 slices of bacon I would eat each morning were lower than either the pre-packaged or homemade breakfast sandwiches I would eat when not on the diet.  Lunch was usually leftover grilled chicken breasts, or salad, or hot dogs, or ham and cheese "sandwiches" with lettuce "bread."  Unfortunately I have no photos of those meals.  However, I do have photos of a glorious sausage-fest we had one night.  It is harder to find sugar-free meat than one might imagine, but the local Bloom and European Mart (more so than Trader Joe's) had the goods.  On this plate, basil and something-or-other sausage from Bloom, "organic" Poilsh Kielbasa, and a delightful Weisswurst from the Euromart (I stupidly burned the casings DO:).  I ate almost the whole plate.  My wife and kids were disgusted.  That is all.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Looks like Chinese Food

One of the things that I discovered this summer is that a healthy dose of corn starch not only thickens things up, but gives that "glaze" endemic to chinese take-out.  Check out the potatoes and broccoli with fish sauce. So if you like shiny food, use corn starch.  That is all.

Maybe I Will Try Again

Due to concerns about some pain I was having in my back and side, in late April 2011 I went on the Atkins diet and began an exercise regimen to lose some weight.  The diet and exercise was amazingly effective.  Between the final week in April and the third week in June I lost over thirty pounds - a teeny bit less than five pounds a week.  I went on vacation immediately after (oh my god that beer and real food tasted good!), and came back to a heat wave.  Unfortunately, upon my return I didn't exercise (my excuse was the heat) and did not continue with the diet.  Several months of poor choices later, I am back to merely 6 pounds less than my April weight.

I took some photos of food I prepared over the summer (post-diet), but due to some embarrassment (guilt, remorse?) over the failure of my maintenance-of-weight, I sadly abandoned this blog.

This past weekend I met up with some friends (and former students) for dinner and beer.  It was a fantastic evening, and as a result I must report three important things:
1. After several disappointing visits, the Growlers
(Summit Station, Olde Town Tavern) location provided a good time (siblings - remember my "old man" birthday where I cried as we were leaving because of the smoke/noise?)!  More importantly, the beer was VERY good and VERY cheap.  The Seneca Pale Ale and the seasonal porter (can't remember the name, OOPS!) were particularly good.  Though one of the party said her ESB tasted like "cigarette butts," I will be back.
2. My friend Anna has a food/running blog you should check out:
She loves flavors, and her smoothie recipes look great!  If I wasn't such a fat jerk i would make a smoothie from her site.
3. I am going to reboot the blog soon, beginning with commentary on summer recipes, thoughts on my weight loss and subsequent weight gain, and MORE FOOD.  and beer.  there is a lot to report.

That is all.