Monday, December 5, 2011

Woks and other thoughts...

For my birthday last year, my wife gave me a cast iron wok.  I love it - it is among my favorite pieces of cookware.  I cook everything in it - stir-frys, curries, stews, deep-frying, even risotto!  I'm sure that the gift was given because of my obsession with the recently-uncovered family cast-iron pans that I've had in a box since before any interest in cooking.  I have found these skillets (and now wok!) to be extremely versatile, and while I can understand that French cuisine emphasizes delicate sauces, and that we all need to boil pots of this and that, I feel that cast iron is too-often overlooked in favor of stainless steel and calphalon.  Plus, there is the history.  I have placed two of my cast iron pieces as pieces from the 1940's or earlier.  That means they were used by my grandparents, if not my great-grandparents!  I can only hope that the wok makes it that long.

At any rate, this is an eggplant curry made in the wok.  It was pretty good, made using the red curry paste I got at the asian grocery.

That is all.

1 comment:

  1. I've never heard of or thought about a cast iron wok... cool! Your argument for its effectiveness is well-supported by the looks of that curry. It looks super good :)
